Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100th Day of School Project

Apparently this is something every school participates in! Since my little guy is just in 
Kindergarten, this was new to me! Who knew they made such a big deal out of the 100th 
day of school?? Well they do! So the letter that came home said we could send 100 of 
"something" or do a project with our child. Well I sure wasn't going to be that parent that 
didn't participate (for this project anyways!) ;) I am not very creative, if you read my last 
post you know that I copy everything!! I did "google" some ideas but actually came up with 
this on my own! :) I am sure I saw it somewhere in the past but my brain doesn't remember 
that so I am going to give myself credit this time. We decided to make a snowman out of 
marshmallows! Ethan loved the idea so we went with it. Since we were "snowed" in from 
school when working on it, I thought it was perfect.We went to town putting LOTS of glue 
(marshmallows don't do great with glue!) but we didn't really have another choice. We poured 
it on and left it over night to dry before "accessorizing" frosty! Well....we got up the next 
morning and this is what we found....dun dun dun...
Yup, you got it the marshmallows are GONE!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord Ethan didn't have a 
meltdown, I was sure one was coming! After the shock wore off I soon realized who the culprit 
was....yup, this little guy!!!

Look at that sweet face... yeah right! HE is lucky he is still alive!! I am kidding, I would never
harm our Bentley but I was NOT happy with him! He had a belly full of marshmallows AND 
glue!!! And never got sick! Crazy! So Ethan got to use the excuse that the dog ate his
homework, hee hee! :) So back to the drawing board we went and ended up with this...which
turned out cuter I think (but Bentley is not off the hook!)

So that was our first 100th day of school project!

OH! And check out my sweet friend Kim's blog at Simply Domestic, she is doing a giveaway for
me for a Thirty One gift certificate! Thank you friend! :)



Pen to Paper; Spirit to Soul said...

Marshmallows were a great idea! See, you are more 'creative' than you think!!!

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